Hair Care · 

How To Prep Your Hair This Summer

Life is too short to have a boring hair, especially during summer. Despite the rising temperature because of summer season, we want our hair to have the best care and natural glowing look. Heat from the sun is one of the major factors that can damage our hair, sun rays can fade your hair color. So, hair care should be part of your priorities. It’s a must!

Read this summer weather hair tips to prep your hair this hot season.


Did you know that having tight ponytails and braids can cause hair damage? Say goodbye to these hairstyles because comfortable hair styles like messy bun and up-dos are the new helpful hair goals! Styling comfortable hairdos are gonna help you to further take care of your hair and protects it from external damage.


Swimming in pools are for sure one of the fun things to do during summer, but do you know the effects of chlorinated water especially when you let it dry to your hair? It is very drying to our hair because it is absorb by our hair shafts that cause dryness, in which also leads in having split ends and hair damage. DO NOT LET IT DRY, make sure to coat your hair with conditioner or oil before swimming and wash your hair immediately after.


Our hair gets really dry and frizzy due to the heat, sweat and dust contributed by summer, that’s why moisturizing and conditioning our hair is a must to achieve soft and lustrous hair despite the heat from the sun. Try applying Iva Natura Nourishing Hair Mask 2x a week to make a complete care of your hair and scalp.


Make sure to go easy on the chemicals you put on your hair, because you already know for a fact that summer already contributes a lot in damaging your hair. Avoid too much chemical treatments on your hair such as chemically straightening and salon treatments that adds up in damaging our hair.

Better if you use products that are certified organic. When it comes to coloring your hair, try Radico Organic Hair Color, contains no chemicals and can restore the natural functions of the hair.


All of the struggles to do the right thing for your hair will be all for nothing if you don’t drink a lot of water. Water has many good benefits that can give to our hair and body. Drinking water can help us be hydrated enough for the summer season. In addition with drinking a lot of fluid, it’s better to eat a healthy food too and having a balanced diet.

The most common ingredient in lots of beauty & cleaning products such as shampoo and conditioner are sulfates. The most common sulfate are sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and sodium laureth sulfate (SLES) which we can find in shampoo and conditioner, that causing the foaming. Every time we use shampoo, we thought that the more bubbles it is more effective. Right? Nope, its actually the other way around. If you have sensitive skin/scalp, SLS can increase your sensitivity that can cause irritation.


Searching for the right products to try for your hair is part of the never ending struggle of people, that is why a lot of us are now being enlighten of the benefits of natural and eco-friendly beauty products. With that, most of us are now switching to a safer and healthier options such as changing to natural shampoos and conditioner, take note that natural/organic shampoos are not suppose to foam up because when it does, it means it is full of chemicals.

Summer is coming our way in full speed and all we need to do is to follow these easy tips to prep and take care of your hair this summertime. Let us know if these tips help you to have that summer ready hair. Wishing you a beautiful summer and a healthy hair!